Instant Pot Black Bean Soup 3 Ways

Instant Pot Black Beans is a plant-based, vegan, high protein recipe for homemade legumes from scratch, including directions for Crock-pot, and stovetop. This recipe is sure to become your favorite home-cooked bean recipe. Complete instructions for three methods of cooking in one easy to follow post is hard to beat, especially when the results taste like this!
Whether you decide to use an Instant Pot, Crock-pot slow cooker, or the good old stovetop, to prepare this recipe, the flavors created by this particular combination of ingredients is a keeper. One of the major differences in this and other recipes is simply the timing of the seasoning. But no worries. The timing of the seasoning couldn’t be any easier or more important.
Let’s Talk Beans (Legumes)
Buckle up. You may very well read this next part in the voice of Dwight Kurt Schrute III from the sitcom, The Office. Don’t judge. Life is short. Anyhow, here it goes.
Fact: I grew up eating homemade beans from scratch. It was not uncommon for us to eat beans at dinnertime at least two or three times a week. We ate beans as either the main dish or as a repurposed side dish. My dear Mom was both a very good cook and frugal. We wasted nothing. And even though I knew beans to be healthy, that’s about all that I knew about the benefit of eating them so often. The most I had understood was that beans are from plants and that they are a high protein food.
As a child, I had no idea that what we were enjoying so often was a vegan high protein food. I’m not sure that my Mom ever thought of beans as being a vegan high protein food either, but she did choose them because she knew them to be healthy and cheap, Ha!
So until recently, I knew very little about the many other benefits of eating beans, homemade or otherwise.
But then something happened. When I began living a plant-based vegan lifestyle, I got inquisitive. My interest in nutrition and wellness increased with every veggie-filled meal I ate.
And now, here I am, years into a delicious, nutritious, full-on, plant-eating journey. And not only do I have a few years of veggie eating under my belt, but I’m knee-deep in writing and sharing plant-based recipes along with Mike, my accomplished business developing partner, and number one son.
Mike and I each crave a deeper understanding of every fabulous plant-based ingredient we eat. And our curiosity of late is zeroing in on plants we recognize as high protein. By the way, our need to know every little detail outlook isn’t just for our benefit. Our curiosity fuels every dish that we share.
What’s So Healthy About Vegan, High Protein, Instant Pot Black Bean Soup?
The following describes just a few of the reasons we’ve found to suggest that it’s likely pretty wise to eat beans regularly. Yes, regularity is one of the benefits, not to get too personal. And yes, legumes being a high protein vegan food is just the beginning of the nutritional story of our Instant Pot Black Beans recipe.
As it turns out, beans and lentils are wonderfully rich in resistant starch, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. And as we’ve mentioned a number of times and most of us know, they’re also an excellent source of plant-based protein.

What’s So Smart About Eating Food Rich in Resistant Starch?
First off, let’s define the term, resistant starch, and then unpack what it means in terms of our potential wellness.
As you may know, most of the carbs that we eat are starch-based foods. In the simplest definition, starches are long chains of glucose found in things such as grains. When we say grains, we are referring to food sources such as wheat, barley, oats, or rice, to name a few. Starch is also found in many common vegetables such as peas, corn, potatoes, and you guessed it, legumes.
But oddly enough, not all of the starches we eat are digested. Sometimes the food we eat passes through the intestine practically unchanged from how it appears when we first eat it, hence the term, resistant starch. So a resistant starch food is resistant to digestion. Wild stuff, huh?
Foods that are starch resistant act a lot like soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is a good source of food for the good bacteria in the large intestine and improves digestion.
Since this is a recipe blog talking about a recipe for Instant Pot Black Bean Soup, we’ll stop right here. We’ll spare the line by line description of what better digestion entails. But we will say that we have read that better digestion equals good things for brain health.
Want to Know More About Starch Resistant Foods, Beans, and Soluble Fiber?
While the information we share as a recipe blog is simply an opinion, we do search for insight. Whenever we discuss the nutritional benefits of ingredients, you can believe we have researched to share what we do. These are just a few of the sources we read and watched when researching the benefits of eating black beans, pinto beans, lentils, and every other legume you might imagine.
To learn a bit more about starch resistance, check out this article.
And for more info about soluble fiber, read this post.
Video Spoiler Alert: Along with a boatload of info, there’s a fun little quiz action going on in this informative video. And as Dr. Greger explains, you’ll find that size doesn’t mean “beans” when it comes to the nutritional benefits of legumes.
So, now you have an inside scoop about why many new recipes we intend to feature include legumes recipes such as this one. As they say, when you know better, you do better, right?
With a considerable variety of legumes from which to choose, such as black beans, navy beans, red lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, pinto, etc., beans are a widely available and inexpensive source of valuable nutrients. Looks like once again, Mom was right!
From this point forward, there will be beans somewhere on our plates each day. And Mike and I are hoping that Instant Pot, Crock-Pot, and Stovetop recipes like this one we’re sharing for black bean soup becomes a mainstay for you, too.

How do You Want to Cook Your Homemade Beans From Scratch?
As I was describing earlier, I grew up in a household where we ate vegan high protein soup beans multiple times a week. I’m not sure if soup beans is a term you’ve ever heard before, but it is one that makes my mouth water just writing it out and fondly remembering. The funny thing is that while I grew up eating vegan high protein beans regularly, I did not grow up following a vegan or plant-based diet. The legumes recipe my Mom followed was because she wanted to make beans.
I remember like it was yesterday, how my mom would start the process by pouring dry beans out onto a sheet of paper or a clean dish towel. She’d usually work right at the kitchen table so there would be room for me to join her. Then, we’d get busy eyeing and fumbling through the pile to sort the legumes.
Sorting just meant that we would work through the collection, picking out small rocks or clumps of dirt that didn’t belong. After that, we’d rinse the beans in pans of water until the water ran clear. I loved the rinsing part.
Wow, I remember enjoying the entire process, most likely because not only was I a little kid getting to do grown-up stuff, but I was a little kid doing something I considered to be ‘big’ with my mom.
In this recipe, we provide instructions on how to cook your homemade black beans in an Instant Pot, Crock-Pot slow cooker, or on the stovetop!
My mom mostly cooked our unintentionally vegan high protein beans on the stovetop, low and slow. Later, as an adult, before I had an Instant-Pot, I usually cooked my beans in a slow cooking Crock-Pot. When my kids were young, the Crock-Pot method was a lifesaver.
So, after you finish the lovely experience of picking through, rinsing, soaking, and straining your beans, choose one of three methods in the recipe instructions to prepare your beans.
Cooking Vegan High Protein Black Beans From Scratch in an Instant Pot
Remember, when cooking vegan high protein food, but especially when preparing black beans or another legumes recipe in an Instant Pot, the “instant part” is rather subjective. If you soak the black beans first, you can set the timer for less cooking time and speed things along.
But speeding things along in an Instant Pot does not mean that the beans will be ready to eat in whatever amount of time you set the timer. It’s confusing at first. Even writing that last sentence confused me. But after a while, you begin to understand the way an Instant Pot operates. Once you do, and you will, you’ll likely fall in love with this particular cooking method.
When cooking this Instant Pot Black Bean Soup recipe, the actual time is a bit of a gray area. Part of the cooking time allotted has to include the pot working to reach its highest cooking point. After that, there’s the natural release time of the steam. When you’re hungry, this part of the process may feel like anything but instant.

How Do Instant Pot Homemade Black Beans From Scratch Differ From Other Methods?
So if it isn’t magically quick, what’s so great about an Instant Pot? If not for speed, then why did we pick an Instant Pot as our title mentioned cooking method for this recipe?
That’s a valid question, and we have but one explanation, TASTE!
While legumes recipes cooked on the stovetop as I describe recalling from childhood or those prepared in the Crock-Pot slow cooker taste lovely, nothing compares to legume recipes prepared in an Instant Pot.
Beans cooked in an Instant Pot taste extraordinary! The texture is tender yet not mushy. Oh, and the legumes become practically creamy. And no, we’re not exaggerating. The Instant Pot method is by far, hands down, our new preferred method of preparing homemade black bean soup or any other recipe made using dry legumes.
But if you ever need to throw something in a pot and leave the kitchen for a bit, the slow cooker or Crock-Pot method is the way to go. Details of this method are in the recipe below.

How to Enjoy Your Homemade Black Beans From Scratch to the Fullest!
We’re guessing that you’ve had a delicious homemade black bean soup from scratch or other protein-rich beans in your lifetime. So we are not going to fill our post in with words describing something you already know and love. If you own a crock-pot, chances are you may have at least thought about trying to cook homemade black beans from scratch.
But we do want to ask that if you have not thought about trying to cook homemade beans, what are you waiting for? Do not rob yourself of this simple, satisfying, flavorful, budget-friendly, homemade, legumes recipe experience. Make a pot of homemade beans from scratch!
Whichever method you decide to use to make your pot of homemade beans, we think you’ll like the addition of toppings such as these two that we’ve gathered from other talented vegan cooks and bloggers.
This first recipe is for a cashew cream described as being a good stand-in for sour cream. As you’ll see, in our list of recipe ingredients, we often use a little plain plant-based yogurt as a dairy-free substitute topping or whip up our 3-ingredient vegan sour cream. But when our next pot of beans hits the table, we’ll for sure be trying this cashew cream recipe.
Another topping we enjoy eating with our homemade beans from scratch is salsa. This mild salsa verde recipe is from a fellow blogger choosing to skip the cilantro, which is perfect for those wishing for a little something tart and green that forgoes the herby flavor of cilantro.
Ready to soak up every drop of the lovely broth from your batch of homemade bean soup, why not make a batch of lovely homemade gluten and oil-free corn muffins?
Make a total meal of your homemade beans of it when you add a scoop of Creamy Cardamom Rice.
And last but not least is our healthy hempseed hot sauce to add that perfect bit of kick to your bowl of deliciously earthy black bean soup, rice, and cornbread!

We’re So Glad You’re Here!
As you can imagine, we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. We enjoy testing out and preparing the recipes we share with you. We try to think of recipes as if we were the ones reading the steps, but sometimes we miss things. So, occasionally, you may have a question or need something clarified.
So, if you ever have a question about a recipe, feel free to ask! And if you’re hoping that we will share more Instant Pot and Crock-Pot type recipes in the future, luck is on your side! We have new recipes in the works that are ideal for Instant Pot or Crock-Pot cooking.
While you can count on the fact that all of our recipes are plant-based, vegan, oil-free, and gluten-free, there is always room for your personalizations. Make our recipes suit your taste.
And after you make your first batch of homemade black bean soup from scratch, let us know how it went. We love it when you leave a kind comment and tell us about your experience! We’d love to know if you opted to prepare your vegan high protein legumes in an Instant Pot, Crock-Pot slow cooker, or on the good old stovetop.
Happy Eating!
More DELICIOUS Recipes You’re Sure to Enjoy!
Since you’re reading this, we know you like trying new and exciting HEARTY recipes! As you know, all of our dishes are whole food plant-based, vegan, oil-free, and gluten-free recipes like this one. So, you’ll love these:
- 1-Pot Enchilada Lentil Rice
- Vegan Macaroni and Cheese with a No-Cook Sauce
- Buffalo Tortilla Tofu Bowl
- Pumpkin Seed Veggie Burgers
- 1-Bowl Pizza Frittata

Instant Pot Black Bean Soup 3 Ways
- 10Prep:
- 40Cook Time:
- Yield: 12 Servings
Now you can enjoy cooking a timeless classic comfort food recipe in three different ways. Enjoy a nearly effortless batch of soupy black Beans in an Instant Pot, on the stovetop, or slow-cooked in a Crock-Pot! You’ll devour these black beans served with a side of cardamom rice and a cornbread muffin, topped with a splash of creamy, oil-free, hempseed buffalo sauce!
- 1 lb of dry black beans, picked over, preferably soaked a few hours or overnight, rinsed and drained
- about one cup of carrots, more or less, chopped however you like
- 1 cup or so, or about one or two stalks of celery, sliced into thin crescent shapes
- one medium-sized onion, peeled and quartered
- 1 cup of so of sweet potato, peeled and cubed
- one or two bay leaves
- 4 cups of vegetable broth or water, plus two additional cups of water if you like your beans soupy
- 1 to 2 tsp of pink Himalayan sea salt, or another salt, to taste
- an optional teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar - We usually go with two teaspoons of vinegar, especially when we go soupy by including the additional water.
- serve with optional toppings such as chopped red onion, avocado, salsa, cilantro, plain dairy-free yogurt, or dairy-free sour cream
- After picking through, rinsing, soaking, and straining your beans, choose one of the following three methods to prepare your beans.
- Instant Pot: Place all of the ingredients except for the salt and apple cider vinegar in the Instant Pot and stir. Set manually for 20 minutes at high pressure and allow the pressure to release naturally, which will likely take at least an additional 20 to 40 minutes or so depending partly on how much liquid used. Once the pressure has released, carefully remove the lid and season with vinegar and salt to taste.
- Stovetop: In a large stockpot or dutch oven, place all of the ingredients, except for half of the veggie broth, optional extra water, salt, and vinegar. Stir and bring to a boil, uncovered. Stir again, reduce heat, and simmer, covered, on medium-low heat for at least an hour or so. Add the remaining broth and or water once the beans become plump tender or as needed as the liquid reduces. Once the beans are tender, season with salt and the optional dash of vinegar, to taste.
- Crock-pot: If you are going to be home while the beans cook, the Crock-Pot instructions are similar to those for stovetop cooking. Place all of the ingredients, except for half of the veggie broth, optional extra water, salt, and vinegar in the crock-pot. Stir, put on the lid, and set to high heat for at least an hour or so. As the liquid reduces and beans plump up a little, add the remaining broth and the water, if using. Once the beans have become plump tender, and the first added liquid has reduced and remaining liquid has been added, set the power to medium and cook until the beans are completely tender. Then, season with salt and the optional dash of vinegar, to taste. If you are not going to be keeping an eye on your slow cooker, place all of the ingredients into the crock-pot except the extra water, salt and vinegar and stir. Then cover and cook on low for about 8 to 10 hours. After the beans are completely tender, taste and season with vinegar and salt and add the additional water if needed.
- No matter which cooking method you use, only season once your homemade beans are tender. At that time, your beans are ready to season to taste with salt and optional vinegar. Be sure to remove the bay leaves before serving. Spoon into individual serving bowls and top with optional toppings such as sliced avocado, cilantro, salsa, chopped red onion, sliced jalapeños, plant-based sour cream, or plain plant-based yogurt. We enjoy a bowl of home-cooked black beans served with cornbread muffins, baked tortilla chips, our stuffing muffins, or fabulous chunks of another freshly baked bread.
- To save yourself the heartache of hard beans that seem to rebel against becoming tender, always hold off adding salt until the very end of the cooking process. Practicing this method of salting your homemade beans also saves you from the risk of over-salting because of not tasting before salting.
- If you prefer less broth or less soup with your beans, stick to using four cups of vegetable broth or water.
- Regarding serving sizes, one pound of dry beans, or two cups of uncooked beans, equals about six cups of cooked beans, drained. One serving of beans equals about one-half cup of cooked beans drained. So, a one-quarter cup of uncooked dried beans equals about one-half cup of prepared beans. And one pound of dry beans provides twelve, one-half, cup servings. (Whew.)
% DV
- Total Fat 0.4 g 1 %
- Saturated Fat 0 g 0 %
- Cholesterol 0 mg 0 %
- Sodium 385.1 mg 16 %
- Carbohydrates 31.2 g 10 %
- Fiber 7.3 g 29 %
- Sugar 3.4 g ---
- Protein 8.9 g 18 %
- Vitamin A 110 %
- Vitamin C 4 %
- Iron 14 %
- Calcium 6 %
Instant Pot Black Bean Soup 3 Ways
- 1 lb of dry black beans, picked over, preferably soaked a few hours or overnight, rinsed and drained
- about one cup of carrots, more or less, chopped however you like
- 1 cup or so, or about one or two stalks of celery, sliced into thin crescent shapes
- one medium-sized onion, peeled and quartered
- 1 cup of so of sweet potato, peeled and cubed
- one or two bay leaves
- 4 cups of vegetable broth or water, plus two additional cups of water if you like your beans soupy
- 1 to 2 tsp of pink Himalayan sea salt, or another salt, to taste
- an optional teaspoon or two of apple cider vinegar - We usually go with two teaspoons of vinegar, especially when we go soupy by including the additional water.
- serve with optional toppings such as chopped red onion, avocado, salsa, cilantro, plain dairy-free yogurt, or dairy-free sour cream
- After picking through, rinsing, soaking, and straining your beans, choose one of the following three methods to prepare your beans.
- Instant Pot: Place all of the ingredients except for the salt and apple cider vinegar in the Instant Pot and stir. Set manually for 20 minutes at high pressure and allow the pressure to release naturally, which will likely take at least an additional 20 to 40 minutes or so depending partly on how much liquid used. Once the pressure has released, carefully remove the lid and season with vinegar and salt to taste.
- Stovetop: In a large stockpot or dutch oven, place all of the ingredients, except for half of the veggie broth, optional extra water, salt, and vinegar. Stir and bring to a boil, uncovered. Stir again, reduce heat, and simmer, covered, on medium-low heat for at least an hour or so. Add the remaining broth and or water once the beans become plump tender or as needed as the liquid reduces. Once the beans are tender, season with salt and the optional dash of vinegar, to taste.
- Crock-pot: If you are going to be home while the beans cook, the Crock-Pot instructions are similar to those for stovetop cooking. Place all of the ingredients, except for half of the veggie broth, optional extra water, salt, and vinegar in the crock-pot. Stir, put on the lid, and set to high heat for at least an hour or so. As the liquid reduces and beans plump up a little, add the remaining broth and the water, if using. Once the beans have become plump tender, and the first added liquid has reduced and remaining liquid has been added, set the power to medium and cook until the beans are completely tender. Then, season with salt and the optional dash of vinegar, to taste. If you are not going to be keeping an eye on your slow cooker, place all of the ingredients into the crock-pot except the extra water, salt and vinegar and stir. Then cover and cook on low for about 8 to 10 hours. After the beans are completely tender, taste and season with vinegar and salt and add the additional water if needed.
- No matter which cooking method you use, only season once your homemade beans are tender. At that time, your beans are ready to season to taste with salt and optional vinegar. Be sure to remove the bay leaves before serving. Spoon into individual serving bowls and top with optional toppings such as sliced avocado, cilantro, salsa, chopped red onion, sliced jalapeños, plant-based sour cream, or plain plant-based yogurt. We enjoy a bowl of home-cooked black beans served with cornbread muffins, baked tortilla chips, our stuffing muffins, or fabulous chunks of another freshly baked bread.
- To save yourself the heartache of hard beans that seem to rebel against becoming tender, always hold off adding salt until the very end of the cooking process. Practicing this method of salting your homemade beans also saves you from the risk of over-salting because of not tasting before salting.
- If you prefer less broth or less soup with your beans, stick to using four cups of vegetable broth or water.
- Regarding serving sizes, one pound of dry beans, or two cups of uncooked beans, equals about six cups of cooked beans, drained. One serving of beans equals about one-half cup of cooked beans drained. So, a one-quarter cup of uncooked dried beans equals about one-half cup of prepared beans. And one pound of dry beans provides twelve, one-half, cup servings. (Whew.)
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[…] Black Bean Soup 3 Ways from Veeg can be made in the slow cooker, stovetop or instant pot! With directions for three different cooking methods and just a handful of ingredients, your soup beans will taste so good you’ll feel like a rockstar in the kitchen! […]